The Arm Yamato Super Battleship
The Arm got its hands on the Krogoth
technology, and in doing so, designed a super battleship
to finally rid the worlds of CORE once and for all!
Battleship Yamato was modelled after
the WW2 original. The main turret is approximately 50%
bigger than the original, but the ship herself is as
close as I could get for 200 faces.
She has the same armor as the Krogoth,
and has the Krog's missile system as well. Her other two
weapon systems are custom, one is the Yamato cannon,
which is a modified Vulcan cannon, with about 1/2 the
range as it, and damages at a 1/4. Even the rate of fire
is toned down, to keep it fair. The other weapon system
is the Raiden cannon, which is basically a beefed up
lightning gun. It is mounted on two turrets, and has a
pretty decent range to it. This is her antipersonal
weapon, to keep pesky little critters from coming too
The Yamato also has air repair
capabilities, tho not as good as a normal carrier. She
also produces 1000 energy, and stores 5000. This is to
compensate for her firing, tho even with this much energy
production, she can only fire full bore for a short
amount of time before the energy reserves are depleted.
Her weaknesses is the huge build time,
and the lack of anti-sub weaponry, she's a sitting duck
without acceptable escort. This is great for long drawn
out naval battles, and really helps to attract more
playersinto building naval units. (Weapon ID 149, 151, 31)
Also Note: This is
taken from the ReadMe file that comes with the Yamato